Alangkah bertuahnya saya menjadi anak tanah air ini, sebuah negara yang dicorakkan cantik dengan kerencaman budaya yang unik oleh sebab mempunyai rakyat berbilang kaum. Tanpa disedari, senyuman kegembiraan dan kebanggaan terpahat pada wajah saya.
Setelah hampir 63 tahun negara kita menyambut kemerdekaan, rakyat Malaysia masih lagi mempunyai mentaliti bahawa setiap kaum mempunyai identiti tersendiri seperti yang dinyatakan pada permulaan esei ini. Yang menjadi persoalan adalah, adakah benar rakyat Malaysia bersikap sedemikian?
Pada lensa pemikiran saya, matlamat hidup bersama dalam sebuah masyarakat majmuk dan tenteram hanya tercapai apabila ada keterbukaan dan kesediaan setiap anggota masyarakat untuk belajar dan mengenali antara mereka. Pembelajaran bersama di waktu pandemik ini, saya sentiasa dikelilingi rakan-rakan yang berbeza agama, bangsa dan budaya sedikit sebanyak menjadikan saya lebih bersikap terbuka dalam segala perkara.
Malaysia sangat terkenal dengan kepelbagaian kaum dan etnik, kita sangat beruntung kerana dapat hidup dalam keadaan aman dan saling memahami adat dan budaya masing-masing walaupun dengan kehadiran pelbagai kaum.Kesantunan insan dalam mengurus perbezaan dalam masyarakat pelbagai agama dan bangsa perlu dititikberatkan.
Disebabkan berlakunya penularan Covid-19 ini yang menyebabkan kami ‘terkandas’ di kampus telah menyebabkan kami semakin bermesra antara satu sama lain. Jika sebelum ini, saya hanya mempunyai sahabat daripada kaum Melayu, kini saya mempunyai sahabat dari kaum Cina, kaum India dan kaum Iban.
Unwrapping the dumpling’s bamboo and pandan leaves together, side by side with our bangles – Indian gold, Chinese jade, Punjabi Kara and Iban beads – hitting our plates musically, we really looked like the ladies from a Lat cartoon. We laughed and learnt from each other in balanced intervals. It was diversity at its purest and best.
It reminded me back when I was in high school, where I experienced the first three years in a public school and the last two years in MRSM. These two environments showed me how people act differently with those who does not look the same like us.
However, she has witnessed shocking brutality, horrifying catastrophes one upon another and countless deaths left in their wake. She was robbed of a childhood. She has suffered unimaginable and harrowing trauma. However, here she stands today - 13 years old - a survivor.
With my very limited Iban, I ask her, “Nama berita nuan?” (How are you?) and she replies with a broad smile, “Manah.” (I’m fine.) Thanks to my Sarawakian friends who taught me some useful Iban words when I was in university, now I’m able to put them to good use.
A mighty forest can’t be formed without trees; a mellow music can’t be formed without musical notes. Malaysia, a land of diversity can’t be formed without unity between different ethnicities in our country.
Aini, if you are reading this, I just want to say thank you for being an amazing friend and I hope this article will remind you of our memories together. Congratulations on your marriage, my friend and I wish you a blessed life filled with joy and much love!
Truly, there is no place in the world we can celebrate all these amazing celebrations even if we come from a different background, except in Malaysia. People might say the grass is always greener on the other side but really, there is no place like home.
In a football team, the captain’s role is to provide comfort and an example for the team even in times of trouble. This is true even with the leading figures of Malaysia. If the people at the top were to start accepting one another, then surely, we will all start to move together as one.